Become an Expert Product Content Strategist: Your 101 Guide

Ever heard of a product content strategist?

They’re the ones who guide and shape the content experience surrounding a specific product.

Product content is fundamentally different from marketing content. For example, the text you read inside an app or software — the user interface, forms, buttons, prompts, and more — is all product content.

So is the content that helps you use the product, including user manuals, guides, walkthroughs, tutorials, and more.

Of course, this means a product content strategist has a different set of responsibilities than a marketing content strategist.

Intrigued? Then your next question might be…

How can you become one?

How much do they make and how should you position yourself for work in this role?

In this blog post we’ll explore all of these questions so that by the end of it, you will have a better understanding of what it means to be a successful product content strategist in today’s digital world.

Table of Contents

What Is a Product Content Strategist?

A product content strategist is someone who works with companies to create a content strategy for a product.

They develop effective ways to shape the customer experience of a product through storytelling and engaging copywriting.

To do this, product content strategists must have an in-depth understanding of the company’s target audience, as well as the product itself.

In the course of their job, the product content strategist must:

  • Research customer needs.
  • Develop messaging strategies.
  • Create compelling stories around the product or service offering.
  • Ensure all product content accurately reflects the company’s brand identity.
  • Monitor how customers interact with product content, making sure it engages and helps meet the company’s goals.

Generally, the responsibilities of this role align pretty closely with those of a marketing content strategist.

The difference?

  • Product content strategists are focused on the content associated with a particular product, and the audience for that content is existing customers.
  • Meanwhile, marketing content strategists are worried about producing consistent content that represents the organization as a whole and will draw in new customers.

Major Responsibilities of a Product Content Strategist

The primary responsibility of a product content strategist is to strategize and create high-quality content that 1) Effectively communicates the value proposition of a particular product or service offering, and 2) Empowers customers.

(Your value proposition, by the way, is a summary of why customers should do business with you, including the major benefits of your product/service[s].)

In this role, you may be in charge of content like:

  • Product descriptions or product pages/landing pages.
  • Product blog content (such as product updates, launches, or company news).
  • Onboarding content that helps a customer get acquainted with a product after purchase (emails, product registration, or “get started” guides are good examples).
  • UX (user experience) content — e.g., the content you see and interact with while using a product like notifications, error messages, forms, descriptions/instructions, menus, and more.
  • Help, FAQs, and troubleshooting content.
  • User guides, manuals, tutorials, or walkthroughs for a product.
  • Product demos.

A great example of product content comes from Semrush. Inside the tool, you’ll find helpful hints and descriptions of what you can do with various features.

semrush product content example

This content is a great addition because Semrush is so robust — a new user could easily get overwhelmed — but this content guides you on the possibilities for what you can do.

A product content strategist made sure this guidance exists inside the tool because they deeply understand the customer experience.

Product content strategists are the driving force behind successful website and product content marketing. They understand how to create engaging content that results in fantastic customer experiences and helps businesses reach their goals.

How to Become an In-Demand Product Content Strategist

Becoming a product content strategist requires an understanding of the customer experience, as well as knowledge of how to create effective content.

To become this type of strategist, you must have strong communication, leadership, project management, and content strategy skills.

What Education and Training Does a Product Content Strategist Need?

A bachelor’s degree in marketing or communications is typically required for this role.

You should also consider taking courses related to digital media, copywriting, search engine optimization (SEO), analytics, and web design.

Additionally, having experience with popular software programs such as Adobe Creative Suite can help you stand out from other applicants when applying for jobs.

Finally, in our modern age, content strategists of all kinds need to understand how to use AI tools to streamline their content processes. The best AI tool out there for creating long-form content? BrandWell.

See how it works in this in-depth tutorial.

Building Your Portfolio and Networking Opportunities

Aspiring product content strategists should start building their portfolio by creating sample pieces that showcase their writing style and ability to effectively communicate complex ideas in an engaging way.

It’s also important to take advantage of networking opportunities within the industry by attending conferences or joining professional organizations like the Content Marketing Institute (CMI). These connections can help open doors for future job opportunities down the line.

Becoming a product content strategist requires dedication, creativity, and an understanding of the industry. With the right education and training, you can turn yourself into a valuable asset for any organization.

Pay Rates for Product Content Strategists

So, what can the average product content strategist expect to make in a year? Let’s take a look.

Average Salaries for Product Content Strategists in Different Industries

The average salary for product content strategists varies depending on industry and experience level.

For example, entry-level product content strategists can expect to earn around $50k annually while more experienced professionals may earn up to $75k annually.

product strategist salary

Those working in tech companies tend to earn higher salaries than those working in other industries such as retail or finance.

Factors That Affect Pay Rates for Product Content Strategists

A bunch of factors can affect pay rates for product content strategists including:

  • Location.
  • Education level.
  • Job title.
  • Years of experience.
  • Certifications you’ve earned.
  • Any additional, relevant skills you possess (such as coding).

Additionally, certain industries may offer higher salaries due to increased demand or specialized expertise required within their field.

Product content strategists are in high demand, and understanding how to negotiate your salary is key to maximizing your earning potential. With the right resume, cover letter, social media presence, and portfolio you can position yourself for success to find work as a product content strategist.

Positioning Yourself for Work in Product Content Strategy

Time to find a job. 💼

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way:

When applying for a job as a product content strategist, you’ll need an effective application with a resume and cover letter.

thanks captain obvious

The thing is, it’s really easy to create an ineffective application.

To avoid that, here are a few tips to position yourself as well as possible to get the strategist job you want:

Resume: Make it concise — nobody wants to read a long resume. Highlight your relevant experience, education, skills, and accomplishments. Axe anything that’s irrelevant.

Make sure to include any certifications or awards you’ve received in the field of product content strategy. Additionally, tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for by including keywords from the job description.

Cover letter: Mention why you’re qualified for the position, but also include how your qualifications will benefit the company.

Be sure to mention any projects or initiatives that demonstrate your expertise in product content strategy. Additionally, use this opportunity to explain why you’re passionate about working with this particular company or organization.

Social media: In this field, it’s also important to demonstrate your expertise through social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Posting articles related to topics within product content strategy can help showcase your knowledge on these platforms while also providing potential employers with examples of work they can review before making their hiring decision.

Bonus: Join professional groups related to product content strategy so potential employers can see what type of conversations you engage in online regarding industry trends and best practices within this field.

By positioning yourself as a product content strategist, you can gain the flexibility and autonomy to work on a variety of projects with different clients, while having the opportunity to make an impact on businesses.

Let’s explore further how these benefits can come to fruition in more detail.

3 Benefits of Becoming a Product Content Strategist

Becoming a product content strategist can be incredibly rewarding.

Not only do you get to work with a variety of projects and clients, but you also have the opportunity to make a huge impact on businesses through your work.

Let’s dive deeper into some of those benefits.

1. Flexibility and Autonomy in the Workplace

As a product content strategist, you will often have more freedom than other professionals for approaching tasks and completing assignments.

Many companies allow their strategists to work remotely or from home offices if they prefer. A ton of other professions don’t enjoy this level of autonomy (and if you’re suited to work from home, it can be incredible to chart your own course throughout the workday).

Often, working remotely means you’ll typically be able to choose your own hours, allowing for greater flexibility in terms of when and where you work.

If you’re super independent and thrive when creating your own work environment, this job might provide you with the opportunity.

2. Variety of Projects and Clients to Work With

Product content strategists get the chance to take on different types of projects for various clients throughout their careers.

This means that no two days will ever look exactly alike – one day might involve creating a product description copy for an e-commerce website while another could involve developing a product walkthrough video.

The diversity keeps things interesting. If you love variety in your work, this might be the job for you.

3. Potential to Hugely Impact a Business’s Growth

Product content strategists can have a major impact on businesses by helping them create engaging and effective customer journeys and experiences.

This has the power to delight customers, build loyalty, and grow the brand’s reputation.

Overall, product content strategists are storytellers. They create content that enhances the customer experience, guides it, and makes it better.

Interested in Becoming a Product Content Strategist?

Product content strategists are an invaluable asset to any business.

With the right skills, knowledge, and experience, you can become a successful product content strategist with great pay rates.

Positioning yourself for work as a product content strategist is key to taking advantage of all the benefits it has to offer.

If you’re looking for an exciting career opportunity that will give you the chance to make an impact on businesses around the world, then becoming a product content strategist might just be what you need.

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{“@context”:””,”@type”:”Article”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Education and Training Does a Product Content Strategist Need?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

A bacheloru2019s degree in marketing or communications is typically required for this role.

You should also consider taking courses related to digital media, copywriting, search engine optimization (SEO), analytics, and web design.

Additionally, having experience with popular software programs such as Adobe Creative Suite can help you stand out from other applicants when applying for jobs.

Finally, in our modern age, content strategists of all kinds need to understand how to use AI tools to streamline their content processes. The best AI tool out there for creating long-form content? BrandWell.


See how it works in this in-depth tutorial.

See how it works in this in-depth tutorial. in-depth tutorial. “”}}]}






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